Have we lost the plot on privacy? New site shows empty homes ripe for robbing!

Yes it really does seem that we’ve lost the plot as far as privacy goes. I’m not just talking about security breaches at companies, or government personnel losing sensitive information…. I’m talking about you and I sharing far more data than ever we surely should. I’ve not been a huge fan personally of the massive […]

Peugeot 206 – Change front bulbs (Dipped/Full beam/Side)

Having needed to change the side light and dipped beam light on my Peugeot 206 today, I looked on the Internet and couldn’t find any simple diagram on how to change the side light (having only changed full and dipped beam bulbs before)… so I thought it would be good to create a simple guide […]

O2 Broadband IP – Dynamic IP is not so dynamic? Maybe even static!

Well an odd observation on my O2 broadband this week… a while back I signed up for a dynamic IP service to provide me with a static domain to use to access my PC when away from home. I received a mail saying they assume I’m not using it as I’ve not updated my IP […]

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