Kärcher K5 pressure washer review

I recently borrowed a Kärcher K5 Premium Full Control Plus pressure washer, to clean some granite paving blocks. I was super impressed, so wanted to share my experience, along with a video of before, during and after washing, for anyone who is considering purchasing the Kärcher K5 pressure washer. I tested the pressure washer cleaning […]

Filezilla error: GnuTLS error -50 in gnutls_priority_set_direct

Workaround for the current Filezilla error: “GnuTLS error -50 in gnutls_priority_set_direct: The request is invalid.
Error: Failed to initialize TLS.”.

This error appears in Ubuntu due to a GnuTLS in the current Ubuntu repository version of Filezilla.

8 cost-free top tips every website owner should be following

Whether you have a blog, business card or e-commerce website, getting the basics right can make sure search engines like your site. This ensures you get a natural flow of traffic, with minimal effort and cost. Whilst this article is focused on cost-free search engine optimisation tips, it would be remiss of me not to […]

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