Simple Linux backups using 7-zip (7z) and tar

In this post I want to look at the use of Linux terminal commands for a simple and effective backup routine on Linux. We all know we should backup regularly, but it always feels like a pain to perform backups. As a result, most of us have been burnt by the loss of data from […]

Cybersecurity best practices for small businesses

In an era dominated by digital advancements, small businesses increasingly rely on technology to drive growth and efficiency. However, this increased reliance on digital platforms also exposes them to cyber threats. I’ve worked in technology implementation and maintenance for 20 years now, and cybersecurity has increasingly become a critical concern for small businesses. Gone are […]

Create a secure login area using PHP

If you’re looking to have anyone log into your website, PHP is a great way to code this yourself securely. In this post, I’ll take you through creating a basic user authentication system using PHP. To keep things simple initially, I’ll store the user information (username and password) in the script. Once you’ve got this […]

Linux commands everyone should know

If you’ve just switched to Linux, or find yourself needing to do work in Linux shell, then this list of core Linux commands along with a brief description of their functionality is for you. Linux shell is similar to Command Prompt/PowerShell in Windows, it uses text-based commands to conduct both basic and powerful actions. It’s […]

eMail hacked? 9 things to do now

Taking you through the steps to recover from a hacked eMail account, and to minimise the chance of a future hack. If your eMail is hacked, you need to do more than just change your password. This article answers the question of “what next?”for those who have suffered from an account hack.

Activities to perform a PC healthcheck

Recommended steps to quickly and easily perform a healthcheck of a Windows PC for improved security and performance.

The best place to sell a caravan in the UK

Struggling to sell your caravan? This is THE place to get the best results!

Why do we call Black Friday, “Black Friday”?

Have you ever wondered the origin of the term “Black Friday”? The day after Thanksgiving in the United States is widely known as “Black Friday”, a term that has become synonymous with frenzied shopping, massive discounts, and the start of the holiday/Christmas shopping season. The name has spread around the globe, with retailers in countries […]

Get yourself out of debt – Simple guide to financial independence

Advice on plotting your way out of debt through good financial management to minimise the impact debt has on your life and gain financial independence. Getting control of your financial situation requires motivation and discipline.

Cyber security awareness training: Protecting yourself and your organisation

I’ve spent my career advising on, and implementing, information technology at everything from multi-national corporations to small businesses. I’m regularly confronted with the need to step up the knowledge of an organisation (not just the IT department) to protect against cyber attacks. I know it’s difficult for small businesses in-particular to find cost-effective ways to […]

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