Virus Removal – Win32/Patched.FM and Win32/Patched.FL

Having been given a neighbours laptop that has been attacked by viruses, I found that the main issue was a Win32/Patched.FM and Win32/Patched.FL which had infected explorer.exe and winlogon.exe. The issue with these viruses is that they “patch” Windows files to include themselves. This means critical system files like explorer.exe are infected, making removal more […]

“Unknown error” in Windows Live Mail

I don’t know if it’s my anti-virus getting a grip onvirus ridden e-mails, but I am getting a lot of “unknown error” messages in Windows Live Mail when I try to delete or move to junk, spam mails with attachments. I was somewhat frustrated by this, as it leaves my inbox littered with junk… I […]

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