Changing default payment method in Virtuemart

I have just found out how to hard code change the way virtuemart lists its payment methods: Locate the file: components/com_virtuemart/themes/default/templates/checkout/list_payment_methods.tpl.php Locate the code: $ps_payment_method->list_nocheck($payment_method_id,  false);$ps_payment_method->list_bank($payment_method_id,  false)$ps_payment_method->list_paypalrelated($payment_method_id,  false); You can then copy and paste the lines in order to change the order of t payment method category list. Changes within the category can be done […]

What is your domain worth? (for paid links or selling domain)

Whether you’re looking to sell some advertising space, sell your domain, or just fancy knowing…. many of us wonder what our domain is really worth. Here’s a great tool that applies several criteria to come up with a value it deems your domain to be worth: It looks at: Domain Age PageRank (and whether […]

Tips on getting backlinks

In the previous post I talked about the importance of backlinks. So here’s my tips for securing for good backlinks for your site: Submit your site to web directories There are a huge number of web directories around. Submitting to the larger directories (like is easy, but to really get the benefit, you want […]


What is PageRank? PageRank (PR) is one of Google’s  key calculators of the importance of a page of the web. Put simply, PageRank views links between pages as “votes” for page. In its first iteration this simply means the most heavily “voted” for (linked to) pages are seen as the most “important” in the Google […]

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