Wake on WAN – Reason why it only works for 15 mins or so

Since signing up personally with O2 Broadband and getting the O2 Wireless box iii, I’ve been wanting to setup Wake on WAN (aka Wake on Internet) to enable me to use my desktop computer while away from home on business or holiday, while satisfying my eco-urge not to leave my PC on all the time. […]

O2 Broadband IP – Dynamic IP is not so dynamic? Maybe even static!

Well an odd observation on my O2 broadband this week… a while back I signed up for a dynamic IP service to provide me with a static domain to use to access my PC when away from home. I received a mail saying they assume I’m not using it as I’ve not updated my IP […]

ISP’s blocking Port 25 (SMTP)

Why the heck is it that ISP’s feel the need to dictate to us the ports we should and shouldn’t make use of? I say this having just spent near-on a week of frustration wondering why the BeachyUK server hated me and refused to send my mails! After finally finding some time to sit down […]