Changing the Maximum Product Name Length in Virtuemart

Hi Guys, Just a really quick post for anyone who wants to increase the Product Name length in Virtuemart. Go to phpMyAdmin Locate the table  jos_vm_product Find the field product_name (ot at the top of the table like you would expect!) Then click change (the second button from the left) Change Length/Values to the number […]

Changing default payment method in Virtuemart

I have just found out how to hard code change the way virtuemart lists its payment methods: Locate the file: components/com_virtuemart/themes/default/templates/checkout/list_payment_methods.tpl.php Locate the code: $ps_payment_method->list_nocheck($payment_method_id,  false);$ps_payment_method->list_bank($payment_method_id,  false)$ps_payment_method->list_paypalrelated($payment_method_id,  false); You can then copy and paste the lines in order to change the order of t payment method category list. Changes within the category can be done […]

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